General Time Tracking


I currently use ActivityWatch to track my computer usage. In my case this program parses application titles, FireFox tabs, and files in vim. AFK times are also calculated. I have been running ActivityWatch for a few months now, and I have it set up to start a server when I start my X server.

ActivityWatch already creates graphs for up to a month of data, however raw data can be exported.

This Month's Analysis

Monthly computer usage graph

These are my top visited urls, not domains, meaning websites were I broswed multiple pages frequently (i.e. reddit) are not accounted for in this ranking.

My number top visited url is unsurprisingly my startpage. This page hosts my common bookmarks.

The second most visited page this month was a list of prior exams for my physics course.

Next is YouTube, however this only the homepage. If one includes all pages of YouTube then it my top.

The last two are for practicing typing.